Friday, April 1, 2016

3 Months!

Our little Cali is 3 months old!

This past month Cali has...

Celebrated her first Easter! We had Kayte, Tommy, Luke and Adam in town and both girls LOVED all the attention and fun.  Hopefully there will be another post on that soon!

Dressed in their Easter best, courtesy of Auntie Kayte

Visiting with Adam

That Auntie Kayte is so funny!

Snuggles with Luke

Had even more visitors.  Our friends Kelly and Sarah came to stay with us for a few days and were a HUGE help in getting me unpacked.  Cali had some quality time with them while I culled my clothes and generally tidied up.  I can't thank them enough!  We also had Jason, Lori, Catherine and Nate over for dinner during their trip to London.  It was so lovely seeing the girls hanging with their cousins and so great catching up with Jason and Lori!

Our friend Jen also came from Marlborough for an afternoon and was sweet enough to take some family photos for us.  They came out so gorgeous (though the photo shoot was cut short when Cali spit up all over both herself and me!) and we are so thankful to her for taking the time to do it for us!

Cali loved hanging with Jen!

And here's a peak at some of my favorites from the photo shoot:

So much love.

Me and my girls
The only family photo we managed before Cali's spit up
Action shot!
Cali had had enough at this point.

Finally taken to a paci.  We tried Ceci's old Wubbanub (which Ceci never liked) and it was a hit!  I think it was a combination of Cali finally figuring it out and the wubbanub having enough weight that it would stay near her mouth if she pushed it out so she could try again without us having to intervene.  She also likes to hold onto things (she's often hanging onto our shirts and burp cloths) so I think the wubbanub also adds another dimension.  A huge thank you to Auntie Kayte for bringing us a few spares from America (they're available over here but are quite expensive).  

Also taken a few small feedings from a bottle.  After conquering the paci, we decided to try the bottle again and it went much better.  I think the practice of using a paci really helped as she didn't seem confused anymore.  She's only had a few feedings - two 0.5oz and then one 1.5oz - so she's still getting the hang of it, but at least now there's hope!

Big sister has helped too!

Been getting tons of love from her big sister.  Ceci continues to be a fantastic big sister.  She's a huge helper and even when she seems a little jealous of Cali or is in a bad mood, she's never done anything but shower her little sister with affection.

Playing together on the play mat
Sister Snuggles

Continued sleeping and eating like a champ (knock on wood!).  She takes several naps a day - sometimes they're only for 30min, other times for 2+ hours - it really just depends on the day.  At night she sleeps for good stretches - usually either a couple 4-5hour stretches or on really good nights, one long 8+ hour stretch (her record is now 10.5 hours!  However, this is the point everything fell apart with Ceci's night sleep, so my fingers and toes are crossed Cali does not follow in her sister's footsteps on that one, but I'm definitely waiting for the other shoe to drop!  Unlike her sister, she still falls asleep anywhere - car seat, stroller, swing, change mat.  It's amazing and wonderful and I really, really hope it continues!!

Passed out on her changing mat
Asleep in the swing
Sleeping in the stroller at the park
Passed out in the car seat in the yard while Ceci paints

Laughed for the first time!  After the first laugh I set up my camera to film it (I was home alone, so unfortunately it's not the best angle, lol). Her laugh almost sounds more like a scream than a laugh, but her smiley face confirms it is indeed a giggle.  A couple days later I got her again, this time laying down so you can actually see her face.

Been trying to sit up and roll over.  She's also interacting a lot more with her toys on her play mat and actually seems to enjoy tummy time!

Enjoying her bouncy seat
Lifting up during tummy time
Leaning forward, trying to sit by herself

Here are the outtakes and alternates from our 3 month photo shoot:


And as always, here's Cali's 3 month video:

Cali, you are a sweet, easy going, hilarious little lady with a big, loud personality and we just love you to pieces!!

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