Wednesday, April 30, 2014

She's here!!

Cecilia Kathleen Clarke has finally arrived in the world!

In this post I'm going to share the story of Cecilia's birth.  I'll spare you the entire play-by-play and try to keep it to just the highlights but as this is also serving as my own little journal so I don't forget the details there may be a few over-shares - you've been warned!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

39 Weeks

We have (hopefully) reached the home stretch - my due date is in 4 days!  I'm still cautiously optimistic that I'll go into labor early or at least only a day or two late, but so far nothing's been happening.  I had an appointment with the midwife yesterday and everything still looks great - baby girl is still in a good position and seems happy.  She's also still moving a ton...sometimes I swear she's trying to find another way out! The midwife unfortunately couldn't shed any light on when our little girl is likely to make her appearance, though; it's apparently just as likely to be today as next week.  I'm scheduled to see the midwife again on Monday but she said hopefully it won't be necessary - fingers crossed!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

38 Weeks

Today marks 10 days until my due date.  Time is flying by and yet seems like it's at a stand still...I'm getting so impatient!  Hopefully this little girl will come soon because if my due date comes and goes I may go crazy, haha.