Friday, March 4, 2016

2 Months!

Cali is 2 months old!

This month Cali has been...

Eating like a champ and growing like crazy!  We're still exclusively breastfeeding and she's eating every 1.5-3hrs during the day and then giving us a much longer stretch at night.  At her six week review with the doctor she weighed just over 12lbs(just over the 90th percentile) and her head had grown over an inch and a half since birth putting her over the 99th percentile!

Our litte fatty

Trying to take a bottle of expressed milk but not really succeeding.  We've only tried a couple times, but Cali just can't seem to get the hang of it.  She doesn't seem upset by it (at least not at first) but seems confused about what she's supposed to do with it.  She mostly just chews on the nipple, pushes it around with her tongue and seems relatively amused by it.  Occasionally she gets a bit of milk out and seems pleasantly surprised but that's about it.  After 5-10 mins of this she starts to get really hungry and annoyed and basically seems to say get this toy out of my face and let's eat!  So it's a work in progress.  I'm not going back to work anytime soon so there's no rush, but it would be nice to be able to go out without her occasionally without worrying about rushing home if she gets hungry!

Spitting up a lot.  It's gotten much better but we still go through a lot of burp cloths and muslins every day.  Thankfully the fountain-style explosions happen a lot less now but we're still mopping up a bit after most feeds.

All this from just one particularly rough night.

Sleeping well! (Knock on wood!).  Cali sleeps quite a lot during the day, generally about 15-16hrs; she mostly just eats and sleeps with the occasional awake time in between. There's really no schedule to it yet, though she tends to take chunkier naps in the morning, midday and afternoon and then smaller cat naps around dinner time and in the evening.  Her bedtime is still really quite late, but in the last week or so it's been starting to get a bit better.  So instead of settling around 12-2am, we're now closer to 11pm.  And she's also starting giving us a 6-7hr stretch (her record is 8.5hrs!) after settling down to bed, generally waking to eat between 5:30 and 6:30.  Depending on when she wakes to eat and when Ceci wakes she then either goes back down for a bit or is up for the day (or at least downstairs to continue sleeping).

Continuing to astonish us with her ability to sleep anywhere - swing, car seat, stroller, bed, change mat - and transfer easily from one location to another while staying asleep.  It's amazing.  Ceci never did anything even remotely resembling this.  It's mind blowing.  And makes life SO much easier.  I pray daily that it stays this way!

Making do during the move - Cali didn't seem to mind
Pretty much the first purchase at the new house!
When she does sleep on us, it's usually in some pretty hilarious positions:

Really expressive.  To be honest, she continues to have resting angry face.  But when she does smile, her whole face lights up!  And she makes the cutest faces when she looks at us.  Melts my heart!

Babbling.  A lot.  She LOVES being vocal.  It's pretty hilarious, actually.  She looks right at you and talks and talks like she's really telling you something.

Refusing to take a paci.  Much like the bottle she just doesn't quite seem to understand what to do with it and after playing with it for a while wants it gone.  She does suck on her hand occasionally, as you can see in the above video.  Thankfully she's a pretty content little lady most of the time so we're not desperate for her to take a paci.  (And given Ceci is newly obsessed with hers it's probably a good thing).  I think she might be more of a blankie/lovey kind of girl - she loves to grip on to things, especially her hair.

Holding on to her hair

Travelling on her first plane ride!  Her and I flew from Gibraltar to London to meet Ceci and Jay (who drove and took a ferry - intrepid travelers!) at our new home!  An update on the new house (with pictures!) will be coming soon but we're still waiting on our stuff to arrive from Gibraltar so everything is bit chaotic at the moment. Cali was so well behaved on the journey and seemed to enjoy the plane.

Loaded up for the plane ride - one little girl, so much stuff.

A little unsure

Loving the 1-on-1 time with mom
Spent most of the plane ride asleep!

ON her first tube ride!  We took a family adventure to the US Embassy to register Cali's birth and apply for her US passport.  It was a surprisingly easy trip, greatly aided by the fact that the embassy had a children's play area in the waiting room!  And the tube ride was simple - even during rush hour - except for the lack of elevator or escalator at our local stop (thankfully daddy is strong enough to pick up the stroller with toddler still in it and carry it down a flight of stairs!).

Cali's first tube ride!
Ceci and Daddy having fun in the kids play area at the embassy
Family selfie on the tube ride home

Enjoying visits from Grandad and Nana!  It's SO nice to have family a short drive away.

The girls are loving the cuddles and Jay & I are loving the help!

Family excursion out for Sunday lunch

Loving being a little sister.  She loves looking at and listening to her big sister.   And Ceci is so affectionate and sweet with "baby Cali" and such a great helper for mumma.

Ceci also wanted in on the photo shoot action.  I can't believe how big she's gotten!  I love how their facial expressions seem coordinated.

Mouths open

Model Stares

Loving look for little sister

Loving look for big sister

Cali had lost patience by this point

So Ceci offered her some cuddles

Take 2 - Cali looks a little unsure about not having a spotter

Here are the best outtakes and alternates from our 2 month photo shoot:

And here's Cali's 2 month video!

We just love this little nugget!

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