Wednesday, October 22, 2014

6 Months!

Our little Ceci is celebrating her first half birthday!  My how time flies!

6 months old!
Who me?  

No way!

I can't believe how much she's grown in such a short amount of time!

It's been such a crazy, surreal, wonderful, terrifying, challenging, absolutely amazing 26 weeks. We're so lucky to have such a special little girl in our lives!

At 6 months, Ceci is...

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Starting Solid Foods!

I LOVE Food!
We're trying something called Baby Led Weaning ( at least that's what it's called here in the UK, sometimes it's called Baby Led Solids in the US, though I'm not sure it's very popular in America yet - I hadn't heard of it before moving out here). Basically, you have the baby feed themselves real food from the beginning - no baby cereal, and no baby food or homemade purees. It's grown very popular over here and is recommended as an option to be used instead of or alongside of baby food/cereal/purees by the NHS. They recommend you start at 6 months or when certain milestones are met. We started giving Ceci solid foods just after 5.5 months, as she was chomping at the bit (literally) to get her hands on our food, and she ticked all the developmental boxes.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

An Adventure to the UK

Ceci had her first airplane adventure, and visited her third country - not too shabby for a five month old.