Cecilia Kathleen is 5 years old!
FIVE! Where has the time gone?!
I can't believe my first baby is already five. She seems so grown up all of the sudden. It's been ages since I properly updated about Ceci - a whole year in fact - so here's a quick rundown of Ceci's last year.
The biggest change of course is that Ceci's now in real school. She started Reception (as they call it here - the equivalent of Pre-K in America) in September. It's the first year of proper school here and is all day, from about 9am-3pm. She wears a uniform to school, as is pretty standard in most public schools, and the little village school we chose for her is a Church of England school (I think we call this Anglican in the states?). She absolutely loves school, her teachers, and her classmates. We feel so lucky to have found such a wonderful community for Ceci.
First day of school! |
Second day of school! |
I've been so impressed with how much she's learned this year! She can properly read - books with multiple sentences per page even! She can write all her letters, sound out words and how to spell them phonetically if not correctly, and loves writing stories and cards for her friends all by herself. I often find notes and drawings she's made and left for me by my bed or laptop. It's too precious.
A little note I found by my bed |
Reading to me before bed |
Ceci continues to be a stellar big sister. She and Cali are great friends and spend most of their time at home playing together. Their imaginations are impressive and they love playing mother and baby, or dog and owner, or going on pretend adventures to the pool, school, and anywhere else they imagine. It's amazing to watch.
Jumping in "puddles" |
Playing kittens - "look mom, cats on cats!" |
Ceci is also still incredibly helpful, empathetic, and kind. She loves helping me clean and cook. She's happy to do her sister's chores (like clearing her plate) if Cali isn't in the mood. If she sees that I'm in a crabby mood or frustrated about something she'll come over and "give me a massage" by squeezing my shoulders. She is just so lovely.
Helping make pastries for Christmas morning breakfast |
Making her own breakfast |
Ceci still loves all things pink, glittery and sparkly. This year has also seen the rise of unicorns and rainbows.
In the last year, Ceci has enjoyed lots of activities. Some stuck around longer than others, but she's tried archery, musical theatre, football, dance, yoga, gymnastics, swimming, and karate.
Ceci always jumps at the chance to do some archery |
So proud of her muddy football boots and the medal she earned at practice |
Free play gymnastics session |
Last day of ballet at our old house |
First time rollerskating while on holiday! |
Other favorite pastimes include any type of "making" - cutting, gluing, coloring, taping, painting, etc - swinging (she can now get started and pump all by herself!), dancing around the house, singing, practicing her cartwheel, and climbing.
Making a Play Doh cake for Cali |
She made herself a robot costume
Ceci had a big party for her fifth birthday, inviting her entire class, and she had about 27 children come to celebrate with her at her "rainbow unicorn party". It was a blast, complete with a unicorn cake, colorful rainbow cupcakes, glitter tattoos, games, dancing, and more.
A few other fun moments from this year...
Meeting the cast of Peter Pan after a performance at Blenheim Palace |
Watching Bing Live! |
Family trip to CBeebies Land! |
Family Camping Trip! |
Preschool Graduation |
New big girl Space room and bed! |
Ceci, you are such a joy. You are clever, kind, helpful, generous, hilarious, and creative. We feel so lucky to have you in our family!
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