Friday, October 7, 2016

9 Months

Little miss Cali Cat is 9 months old!

This past month Cali has been...

Obsessed with trying to walk.  She loves pushing her walker around and is almost always standing up.  She easily stands holding on with just one hand or resting her belly lightly on something, and a couple times she's even gotten distracted reaching for a toy and let go completely for a couple seconds! I fear full blown walking is not far off.

I love standing!

Climbing, crawling and getting into everything!  If something new is put down in her reach, she's immediately trying to get it.  If there's something to crawl under or through, she's there exploring.  She's a very curious, every active little lady.

Climbing and causing mischief
So proud of herself
Making the chair into a tunnel
Won't let that bar get her way
And she's over

Eating, eating, eating.  Favorites are breadsticks, frozen veggies (especially peas), meat, fish, oatmeal, yogurt, blueberries, teething biscuits, granola bars, rice cakes, cheese...I mean, there's very little she doesn't devour.
Yogurt and banana!

Loving outside time.  Now that she's more mobile she's loving exploring our yard.


In love with her big sister.  She has a huge smile on her face when she sees her in the morning.  And if she's in a bad mood or upset, nothing makes her giggle faster than a song or pee-a-boo from Ceci.

Play time
Hanging on her every word
Ordering from Ceci's kitchen
Sister love

Still nursing well.  She's still super distracted during the day so we now nurse in her dark room just before her naps and bedtime (usually how she falls asleep).  She was also feeding 3-4 times every night.  Until we went on holiday when she turned 9 months when she spontaneously dropped all of her night feeds!  (I think it was a mixture of her being ready, having a cold and teething which was making latching/breathing difficult and her accidentally biting me a couple times one night and my reaction scaring her).  For the past week she hasn't fed more than once at night and usually not at all.  She's even slept 6-7 hours straight a couple times.  So hopefully the light at the end of the tunnel is near!

On a much more predictable schedule.  She's officially on two naps and we loosely follow a 2-3-4 schedule, so 2 hours after she wakes up she takes her first nap, then 3 hours after waking is her second nap, and then 4 hours later is bed time.  She struggles a bit with the 4 hours so often it's a little less than that.  A "normal" day is 7am wake-up, 9am-10:15 nap, 1:30-3 nap, bedtime about 7.  But it's definitely fluid!

Here's the best outtakes and alternates from our 9 month photo shoot (done on our "caravan holiday" with Jay's family!):

And as always, here's Cali's 9 month video:

Cali is a silly, cheeky, inquisitive and loving little girl and we can't imagine are family without her!

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