Tuesday, April 8, 2014

39 Weeks

We have (hopefully) reached the home stretch - my due date is in 4 days!  I'm still cautiously optimistic that I'll go into labor early or at least only a day or two late, but so far nothing's been happening.  I had an appointment with the midwife yesterday and everything still looks great - baby girl is still in a good position and seems happy.  She's also still moving a ton...sometimes I swear she's trying to find another way out! The midwife unfortunately couldn't shed any light on when our little girl is likely to make her appearance, though; it's apparently just as likely to be today as next week.  I'm scheduled to see the midwife again on Monday but she said hopefully it won't be necessary - fingers crossed!

My discomfort hasn't gotten any better but thankfully it also hasn't gotten any worse so I can't complain. I did have a bit of early morning insomnia last week (waking at 5am and staying awake until 8am then napping until 10am or so - thank goodness for maternity leave) but that seems to have lifted for now.  I've also been having some weird mood swings, which I think are due just as much to impatience as hormones!  But all in all I pretty much just feel the same as always though of course more and more eager to meet our little girl.

I'm definitely on high alert for any signs that labor might be starting.  I'm still having painless Braxton-Hicks contractions quite often but that's about it. It's a strange feeling to be excitedly anticipating pain - every twinge in my back or stitch in my side actually makes me happy and hopeful, but unfortunately they've all turned out to just be normal discomforts.  Definitely the first time that aches and pains have made me smile!

I've started to try out some old wives tales for jump-starting labor. I've been eating spicy food whenever I can and getting out on walks when I'm feeling up to it.  If anyone has any favorites I'm all ears!  Other than that, I've just been continuing to try to enjoy this time (as my sister told me the other day I will never ever have this much free time again, haha).  I've enjoyed sleeping in when I can, sitting out in the sunshine reading (it's been 70 and sunny these past few days - so lovely!!), staying in my PJs and watching TV on the couch, and actually doing a bit of baking - I was craving strawberry shortcake the other day so I made it from scratch and it actually came out really well!  I've also been continuing to try to learn some Spanish while I have the time.  I found a great free app/website called Duolingo that has actually been working really well and serves to keep my brain working a little while I'm being lazy on the couch!

This past weekend Jay and I kept ourselves busy around the house as we knew our weekends alone could be few and far between soon.  We got our bills in order, made sure the hospital bags were completely packed, tidied up quite a bit and got the nursery ready for my parents (who come to visit in 9 days!!) as it will double a guest room for a bit.  We also took a nice long walk around our neighborhood, Europa Point.  It was absolutely gorgeous out and we even got a treat from the ice cream truck!  I took the opportunity to get a non-selfie, scenic bump picture for 39 weeks:

I was looking in the mirror in the other day and couldn't believe just how huge my belly is.  So I took a couple pics of my bare bump for posterity (and yes, my belly button has completely flattened out - but thankfully it didn't become a huge out-y like I thought it would!).  They actually came out better than expected considering I took them on my phone...by myself...in a mirror, so I thought I'd share:

Hopefully my next post will contain some more exciting news - please keep sending early labor prayers, thoughts and vibes my way!

1 comment:

  1. You look amazing! I've heard eggplant as an old wives tale is supposed to bring on labor. My midwife allowed me to drink red raspberry leaf tea. (but I'm not sure of these methods work my son was 5 days late) and my first son I was induced!
    Sarah likes Duolingo, too! Rest up! Can't wait to see pics of the new baby! Wishing you a smooth speedy labor , delivery and recovery!
