Friday, June 3, 2016

5 Months!

Our little Cali Cat is 5 months old!

This past month Cali has...

Grown a ton!  She's been in 6-9 months clothes for a couple weeks because she's so long and her feet are huge (clearly, my child).  At just over 4 months she was 15lbs3oz.  I haven't weighed her since but I'd venture she's well over 16lbs at this point.  My little chubster!

Continued to exclusively breastfeed like a champ.  She eats every 2-4hrs during the day and every 2-8hrs at night.  She doesn't really have any schedule yet and I'm OK with that.  Especially since life with a toddler means nothing is exactly predictable!

Taken her first trip to America!  We all had a blast.  Cali was baptised, met lots of family and enjoyed the luxuries of the USA.  Hoping to dedicate a future blog post to the trip. But here's a few highlights for Cali:

Flying in style to the US
And on the way home
Enjoying the beach
Meeting Great Nana
Cali's baptism
Cali and her godparents

Mastered rolling!  She's rolled in both directions a handful of times but didn't seem terribly interested in it.  Then one afternoon at the beach in America she started rolling on the blanket we laid out for her on the sand (under an umbrella of course) and never looked back!  Ever since, she's constantly in motion!  She can even turn around in all directions, scoot herself a little bit to reach a toy, and has started lifting her little butt in the air like she wants to crawl.

Loves playing on her tummy now
She started on the blanket!

Turned out to be very tactile.  She loves holding on to things - our shirts, blankets, her hair, our hands, toys...basically anything she can grab.  We introduced a lovey for this reason and it's been working out great.

Holding Dadda's thumb while falling asleep

Been chomping on everything in sight!  And is still very vocal when doing so!!  She's definitely at her loudest and most talkative when she's got something in her mouth.  There's got to be some teeth moving around somewhere because this little girl is constantly chewing on something.

Chewing on her favorite toy (thanks Lori and Jason!)
while enjoying outdoor time on her play mat
Working on sitting up.  She can't do it well independently but she loves to try!  She's constantly trying to lean forward and sit up on her own.  But she doesn't have much ab strength yet so she mostly slouches over and tips to the side.  It's adorable.  
Sitting up with Dadda
Been sleeping well!  It's like a miracle.  At this point with Ceci we were in a terrible place with sleeping.  Cali, on the other hand, is just easy.  It's bizarre.  And I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop!  She doesn't have much of a schedule - she naps when she wants and her bedtime is pretty much tied to mine (she's still in the room with us, though we've upgraded to having her in her crib, though still in her sleepyhead).  Naps are anywhere from 25min-2.5hrs, averaging about 45min.  At night she sleeps in 2-6.5 hours chunks.  For a few weeks there were more 3-4 hour chunks and not many 5+ hour ones, but they're starting to lengthen again, as are her naps.  If that's all the 4 month sleep regression entailed for this little lady, I can't even believe it.   She also often puts herself to sleep independently - many nights I can just lay her in her bed with her paci and lovey and she goes to sleep.  And she's started falling asleep in the swing for naps on her own again, too.  In fact, she often seems to prefer it.  When she gets overtired and fussy, putting her down - either in her bed, car seat, stroller, or swing - and letting her do  her own thing usually makes her more settled.  It's bliss.  And after the difficulty we had with Ceci's sleep I'm SO grateful and appreciative of this.
Passed out in her car seat at breakfast
A little al fresco nap in my parents' yard
Napping at the beach
In her big girl crib
Playing was apparently just too exhausting.
This happened twice.
We plopped her in the bean bag while we ate dinner
so she could see us, and she passed out.

Grown even more in love with her older sister. Though Ceci has always been enamored with her little sister, Cali is starting is take more notice of her big sister.  She'd always given her smiles and liked when she was around, but now she actively engages with her.  She loves laying down with her for story time before bed or when Ceci plops down next to her during play time.  And Ceci is a star - she loves when Cali "tickles her" (what we call when Cali grabs at her) and gives her "big smiles!".  They're too cute together and it melts my heart.
Cali giving Ceci "tickles"

Cali girl, you are a smart, joyful, easy going little lady and we love you so, so much.

Here are the best alternates and outtakes from Cali's 5 month photo shoot:

And here's Cali's 5 month video:

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