She is growing so fast. We spent most of her 10th month in America, and I swear she grew several inches while we were there!!
We were in America for her actual 10 month birthday so we took a quick photo shoot to commemorate the day:
At 10 months Ceci is...
Still totally in love with food. Pretty much all food. We've had to introduce snacks in between her three daily meals because she's just ravenous, pretty much all the time. We've also taken to ordering her her own meal from the kid's menu when we're out because otherwise she eats most of our meals! Some new favorites are grilled cheese, macaroni and cheese, meatballs, and waffles. She's also still a huge fan of fruit, especially plums, nectarines, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries and now clementines!
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First time eating a popsicle - big help with teething! |
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Attacking a whole plum |
Still nursing four times a day - about an hour before each meal and before bed. But we no longer give her a bottle of expressed milk. Pumping was getting to be very time consuming and we were working through our frozen stash before it went out of date, so with travelling to America we wound up not giving her a bottle for a couple days and she didn't even notice! So that was that.
In love with straw cups. We found a great one at Target (oh how I miss having a Target nearby!) and Ceci loves it. She has water with every meal (or sometimes a smoothie with breakfast) and occasionally with her snacks as well. She always seems to be so thirsty! She uses the cup all by herself, and does a great job, though sometimes she forgets she still has water in her mouth when she's done drinking and it dribbles out everywhere, haha.
On the move. Constantly. She's still crawling super fast, occasionally on hands and feet instead of hands and knees. And she's pulling herself up to standing effortlessly now, on anything she can reach. And she's pretty comfortable cruising around furniture (and walls...and people...). She also takes a few steps if you hold her hands, though she still seems a bit confused by the whole thing, and seems to prefer walking on her tiptoes!
A serious stair climber. The day we flew to America she surprised us by climbing a couple stairs in our house and then the stair shaped mats in the kids play area at the airport. Once at Nan and Gramps, with their plush carpeted stairs, Ceci was unstoppable - almost immediately climbing the whole staircase without any help (though we did a lot of very close spotting)! By the time we left Nan and Gramps she had gotten really good - climbling hand, hand, knee, foot, repeat all the way up like it was no big deal.
Smiling with (nearly) 6 teeth! The top two middle teeth seemed to take ages to finally break through and then the teeth on either side popped out rather quickly (though one is still making its way down)!
A great traveler! We were so impressed with Ceci on all the plane rides. Especially the two on the way home. But considering she was sick and teething on the way there, she did really well on that journey too! More on our super fun adventure to America in a later post. But for now, here she is reading with daddy on the plane both on the way to the US and on the way home!
Starting to not hate her car seat so much. We drove 6 hours to Philly (and then back a week later) and Ceci was a star!! We were so impressed (and incredibly surprised). She slept, she played in the backseat with Nan, she daydreamed out the window. It was amazing.
Learning so much! She now does "how big does the baby grow...", high five, hugs and kisses, and touchdown pretty much on cue (so long as she's in the mood). She's also starting to share her food with others at the table by trying to feed them, pointing at things she wants (usually food!), and making lots of new sounds ("yeah, yeah, yeah" is a new favorite, as is a short, shouted "uh" which usually comes when we say "uh-oh!").
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" big!" |
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Giving hugs to Tigger |
Finally recovered from her first real illness. While we were visiting my sister in Philadelphia we had to take Ceci to urgent care for a fever and it turned out she had a right ear infection. They put her on Amoxicillin and she started to feel a bit better, but a week later she had a terrible rash all over so off we went to another urgent care (we were back in Massachusetts at this point - so thankful for travel insurance!) where they told us Ceci was allergic to Amoxicilin. Poor thing. They took her off the antibiotics (thankfully her ears looked completely healed) and gave her some Benadryl. And thankfully she's now good as new! She was a total trooper through it all. Even on her worst days, when she had a high fever and was very tired, she would still perk up and want to play for a bit in between naps.
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Sick and sleepy baby |
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The rash - actually looked a lot worse in person |
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Taking Benadryl like a champ sporting rosy, rashy cheeks |
She also had her first injury :( While trying to go from standing to sitting in Nan's kitchen she pulled a heavy chair onto her face, getting a little bit of bruising and a small cut under her eye. Thankfully her eye itself was totally fine. She recovered quickly - you couldn't even see a trace after just three days! - but it was very traumatic for mommy!
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You should have seen the other guy... |
Sleeping pretty well. Traveling for nearly a month of course put a few kinks in Ceci's sleeping, as did crossing several time zones, but she handled it really well. She's still taking naps twice a day - usually both for about an hour and a bit but that can change widely from day to day - and we're starting to ease toward her napping in her crib. While in America daddy got her to fall asleep and stay asleep laying next to him on the bed, so I think the time has finally come to tackle naps once and for all...fingers crossed. I'll keep you posted!
And to wrap up, here are the monthly favorites...
Ceci's 10 month video is here!
And of course, here are our favorite outtakes and alternates from both of Ceci's 10 month photo shoots:
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