At 9 months Ceci is...
Learning SO much. She now waves hi and bye, gives kisses and hugs and high fives, does "Touchdown!", and is starting to clap. She is also pulling herself up to standing and starting to cruise around the furniture. Every day it seems she learns something new! She's also getting really good at imitating noises and sounds we make.
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Loving her new activity table! |
Cruising from table to chair |
Touchdown! |
Teething. We can see 4 top teeth right now - the two in the center have broken through and the ones on either side are close to it. Poor baby. So she's been a bit crankier than usual, and chewing on everything in sight, but handling it remarkable well.
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Cranky baby. |
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Not the clearest picture, but you can kinda see the top two peeking through. |
Eating like a champ. She still LOVES food. Frozen berries are a huge favorite right now (I think it helps her teeth feel better). And so it any kind of potato or bread or pasta. Cheerios are a new favorite. She also really likes cheese. And yogurt. And to be honest, pretty much everything we give her. Haha. In addition to her three solid meals a day and then nursing 4 times a day plus a bottle of expressed milk. She's dropped her night feed which has been a surprise bonus!
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Homemade teething cookie...yum! |
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Falafel is delicious. |
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Where'd all the berries go?? |
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I heart yogurt. |
Sleeping! (...knocking on wood, throwing salt over shoulder...). Most nights she's sleeping 11-12 hours straight. After a really rough New Year's Eve, Ceci woke up in 2015 and decided she was ready to sleep through the night. After all the trouble we've had, we did nothing different. That's just my girl - everything has to be on her terms, haha. It has been amazing. Most nights now we put her to bed (Jay does bedtime most nights - she nurses, then I give her her paci and hand her over to Jay, and he lays with her until she falls asleep then puts her in her crib) and that's it until I hear her playing in her crib in the morning. Occasionally we hear her wimper or cry out for a second but when we check the monitor she's still asleep or has put herself back to sleep very quickly. There have been a handful of tough nights this month, mostly because of her teeth, but more often than not when she wakes all we (usually Jay, actually) have to do is lay her back down and pat her bum and she's asleep. Every now and then we have to pick her up and lay with her for a bit, but those times have been very few and far between thankfully. We are really, really hoping this continues because we've all become very big fans of sleeping. She's also still very active in her sleep, here are some of her more hilarious positions.
Napping is still a work in progress. She takes two naps a day that are generally around an hour and 20 minutes each, give or take. We no longer use a sling to get her to sleep - I slowly phased that out over the last six weeks or so. Now, I lay down on the twin bed in her room with her on my chest and she goes to sleep. Sometimes I hum a little, or pat her bum, or jounce her a little by lightly bouncing my legs to help her relax, but that's it. No rocking, no standing, no big theatrics. But I do keep her there on my chest for the whole nap (thank goodness for Hulu and Netflix on my phone!). My plan had been to continue the phasing and transition to having her lay next to me on the bed and then eventually in her crib, but I haven't been able to get myself to start. Because I know that once I do it, that's it. There will be no going back. And I actually kind of love having her sleep on me. (Had you told me this 4 months ago I would have never believed you.) And it's my me time. If she napped alone I'd feel like I had to use that time to get things done - housework and showering and cooking and etc. But as it is now, I just get to snuggle up with my baby and watch some TV while she has a great nap. So for now, I'm taking it slow and letting myself enjoy these moments while she's small.
Still in love with books. They are some of her favorite toys. We keep them on a low shelf so she can reach them herself and she is constantly pulling them out to "read".
7:30/8am - wakeup and nurse then playtime
9am - breakfast
10am - nap
11:30am - wakeup and nurse then playtime or errands/activity
12:30pm - lunch then playtime or errands/activity
2:30pm - nap
4pm - wakeup and nurse then playtime
5:30pm - dinner followed by bottle of expressed milk
7pm - naked time, bath, nurse then bed
7:30/8pm - asleep
Of course, lots of stuff can throw us off track - a long or short nap, waking up early or late, having an activity at a specific time that doesn't fit - but that will just shift pieces one way or the other by an hour or so, the pattern is always the same.
Leaning towards being left handed. She always seemed to prefer to use her left hand, especially to eat, and it's only become more obvious as she's become more active. Though she uses her right hand as well, she definitely prefers the left. It'll be interesting to see if it continues!
Left handed spooning |
I know I say it every month, but we just love this little girl more and more each day. She's our clever, determined, silly, beautiful little girl and we're so thankful for every month we get to watch her grow!
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This is how she rolls... |
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Our cheeky monkey with a baby monkey! |
Wouldn't be a monthly update with our monthly video!
And of course, here are my favorite outtakes and alternates from our 9 month photo shoot. Which, by the way, is definitely now a two man job - one to take pictures and one to keep Ceci from catapulting herself off the chair, or throwing the bear, or standing up. It's quite an adventure these days!
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