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Ceci at 2 Months |
At two months Ceci...
• Is even more alert. She makes eye contact a lot more and purposefully interacts with her toys - especially with her activity mat and bouncy seat. She also always seems to be actively studying everything around her - our faces, her toys, the curtains, the couch cushions - she loves taking everything in.
• Loves to move. When she's awake her arms and legs are always in motion. If she's being held or in the stroller she wants us to be moving.
• Smiles. A lot. When she's happy, she loves to show it.
• Cries with intensity. When she's not happy, she loves to show that too - loudly. We're getting better at distinguishing between her 'I'm angry' cry and when she's crying because she's actually upset. She's training us well.
• Eats like a champ. We're still exclusively breastfeeding though she does occasionally take a bottle of breast milk so I can take a break every now and then.
• Is growing like crazy! At her 6 week checkup she was a whopping 12lbs and 23.25 inches long (2 inches longer than when she was born). Her head grew 2 inches too! She's in the 90th+ percentile for both height and weight and has already outgrown size 2 diapers and some of her 0-3 month clothes!
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Ceci at 1 week, 1 month and 2 months |
• Sleeps well. She gets quite cranky if she's awake more than an hour or so, so she naps quite a bit (no wonder given how active she is). She generally takes three 1.5-2hr naps during the day and then takes a couple 20-40min cat naps in the evening. She goes down for the night sometime between 9 and 11pm, wakes once for about 15 minutes to eat between 3 and 5am and then is up for the day between 7 and 7:30am. On the good nights she'll give us a 6 or 7hr stretch to start with which is amazing!
• Only naps well when she's held. Those 1.5-2hr maps only happen if I'm holding her. As soon as I put her down in her bed or swing or stroller she wakes up within 10min. (Or if she falls asleep in the car seat or stroller, as soon as we stop moving). I've invested in a sling and a wrap so I can have my hands free while she naps on me. I know I'll have to break her of this habit at some point, but since she sleeps so well at night in her bed I'm not in too big of a rush to rock the boat! Especially since an overtired Ceci is NO fun.
• Struggles with witching hours most evenings somewhere between 6 and 10pm. She's usually overtired and deals with it by crying (sometimes screaming). The vacuum is our friend during these times.
• Likes her paci. She used to only like it in the car but now if she needs a little extra comfort when trying to fall asleep she likes to have it. After she's asleep she'll spit it out and that's that. She refuses it sometimes too. She's the boss.
• Enjoyed her first evening with a babysitter (one of Jay's coworkers). She was such a big girl and Jay and I enjoyed a few hours at his fancy work function, actually having dinner together at the same time!
• Definitely has her own personality and we love her to pieces!!
As promised, here's Ceci's 2 month video! I did have time to fix the pictues, so there's a picture or video for every day of Ceci's life. Enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYvATu_dWXg
And as always, here are some outtakes from our 2 month photo shoot...
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