And how she's grown. She now weighs about 26lbs and measures just over 35in tall. I swear one day I woke up and she was no longer a baby - she's a proper little girl. Here's a side-by-side with January on the left and July on the right!
We had a meeting with her teachers at school just after her half birthday and they've been blown away by her progress since starting in the Toddler Room in February. They went so far as to show us the printout of her scores because she is making rapid progress across the board - in a few areas she's literally off the charts with how much progress she's made. She LOVES school. No more tears at drop-off, ever. Often I don't even get a good-bye, she just marches into the room ready to play. The only tears we get now are occasionally at pick-up because she doesn't want to leave!!
Her language, in particular, has exploded. She doesn't just speak in sentences now, she speaks in paragraphs. She has some really cute little kid mispronunciations (she struggles with the hard-c at the beginning of her name, and she says loBe instead of loVe which is adorable) but she's very easy to understand most of the time. And when we're not sure what she's trying to say, she'll find a way to make us understanding - either by repeating it over and over (usually louder and louder) or taking our hand and saying "I'll show you". Hilariously, Ceci usually figures it out before we do. She knows most of her shapes and colors as long as she doesn't rush to answer, and she's starting to get her letter sounds. She can spell her name. She can count to 10 consistently and to 20 with a little help (she likes to skip a few numbers between 11 and 19). She can reliably count 3 objects and more if someone points for her (otherwise she just keeps counting, pointing to everything over and over). She can draw lines and circles and just drew her first flower recently.
Painting is a big favorite
She's totally ready to potty train, but I'm not, haha! She sometimes asks to go for a wee and then does so without any issues. But other days she has no interest. Knowing how strong-willed she is I don't want to start if she's not totally on board. We're also moving to a new house in a couple week so I'm waiting for that big change to pass and then I think it's going to be time to dive in. For the meantime we're keeping her in pull-ups and letting her go when she wants to.
She loves imaginative play, especially pretending to cook in her play kitchen, playing baby with her dolls, or literally playing baby with Ceci as the mom. She also loves dressing up and being a princess or superhero or pirate.
Pirate Cali with her treasure map (both made by Ceci!)
Chef Cali
Chef Cali making lunch
Ceci and her "baby"
Riding in Ceci's "train"
She's still a huge fan of climbing and is incredibly strong. At Tumble Tots she can do the tall ladders all on her own (and gets really irritated if I try to help her). She can climb up most climbing frames and slides on her own. She can get on a big girl swing by herself and hold on without help - she needs a push, but is getting close to pumping on her own!
Climbing up high at Tumble Tots
Tumble Tots
Tumble Tots
Swinging in the garden
She still naps 1-3pm and is in bed from 7:30pm-7am though in the last month or so she's started staying awake in her bed until 8 or even 9pm, singing, talking and playing with her stuffed animals, and occasionally yelling or crying. In addition to her teddy bear she now has a rotating cast of stuffed animals hanging out at the foot of her crib, including Tinky Winky, a bunny, a crocodile, a baby doll, a small plastic teddy, and her build-a-bear kitty cat. She's stopped using her silkie but still loves twirling her hair, especially during the day when she's tired or nervous.
She likes to pick her own clothes and usually wants to match Ceci. Like her big sister, she prefers dresses. She's also started asking to change her outfit during the day because she wants to "pick a new dress". I fear this does not bode well for my laundry pile in the coming years!
Princess dresses are a favorite
My little fashionista
She loves singing and has gotten really good at singing along to favorite songs in the car (the big ones right now are Let It Go from Frozen and Touch the Sky from Brave). She'll also just start singing songs on her own, like Old MacDonald, Twinkle Twinkle, etc. She's also a huge fan of dancing and has the most adorable little moves. She still goes to ballet every Saturday and LOVES it.
Tiaras and wands at ballet
She's also started independent swim lessons (in the same class as Ceci) and is doing awesome! I thought she'd struggle without having me in the pool but she's super confident and loves it!!
Ready for her first independent swim class!
She's still a really good eater, and meat is still her most favorite (sausages, chicken, burgers, hot dogs, shrimp, fish fingers, meatballs, pepperoni - she loves them all), as well as all fruit, peas, cooked carrots, pasta, yogurt, ice cream, and corn.
She's gotten really good at properly playing I Spy and loves all board games - we've invested in quite a few from Orchard Toys aimed at her age group and their Pizza game is a huge favorite. She's surprisingly good at waiting her turn and handling both losing and winning. She's also gotten quite good at doing proper puzzles all on her own. We were starting a 20 piece puzzle together but I had to take care of something and when I came back she had finished it! I was amazed.
She loves reading stories and will happily sit quietly and listen to several decent-length books at once. She also loves being a helper and is getting really good at actually being helpful.
Helping do the dishes.
She's started joining in with Ceci's football (aka soccer) class or 3-5 year olds and the coaches were so happy with how well she listens and follows along that they've properly added her to the roster. She does most sessions with only a couple short breaks with me and seems to really love football (as does her big sister).
She went to her first big girl show in May - Teletubbies live - on a special Mommy and Cali adventure. She adored the show and was totally captivated, sitting still for the whole hour.
Cali, you are a sweet, hilarious, independent, strong-willed, clever, and determined little girl. We can't imagine our lives without you and your silliness. We love you so much!!
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