Tuesday, January 3, 2017

1 Year!

Calista Diane is 1 year old!

It's been a wonderful, crazy, incredible year!  Over the last month, Cali has...

Really making a concerted effort to talk.  She repeats not only sounds, but inflection, volume and rhythm.  She loves to yell back and forth with Ceci, or copy little sound combinations we make for her.  It's adorable.  "That one!" continues to be her favorite phrase, but she also uses dada, up, makes eating sounds, and something akin to no no no.  She's also started using signs more, mostly for all done.  Though she also points, reaches and grabs for what she wants.  I'm hoping she starts to get some words soon because she gets so frustrated (and ANGRY!) when she wants something but can't communicate it to us.

Completely perfected walking.  She only walks now, and does so confidently, even outside.  We invested in a rain suit for her, just like Ceci's, so she can explore outside even in the wet British weather!


Continued to be a little milk monster.  She's still waking to feed 1-3 times a night, in addition to 4 feeds during the day, which is exhausting for me and Jay, but we're hoping she'll start figuring thing out soon.  In her defense, over the last several months she's had a tough go of it - sickness, cutting teeth, mom unexpectedly in hospital for a few days, travelling, jet lag, sickness again...the poor thing hasn't had more than week or so of normalcy in a row!  So we're trying to cut her a break and let her night wean at her own pace (especially since when we've gently suggested she doesn't feed at night she loses her mind - screaming like we're trying to kill her...I've got another stubborn, strong-willed girl on my hands!).  

Napped twice a day, once at about 9:30-10:45 and then again from about 1:45-3:15.  At night she's usually in her room from about 7-7, though not always sleeping!  Generally, though, when she wakes up she either settles right back down with a rub of her back or occasionally with a little rocking, unless she's hungry, then she'll only settle once she's had a 5-10min feed and passed out.  Thankfully, once she's back to sleep she's really easy to put into her crib.

Started to understand and enjoy dress up!  She'll often bring us a skirt or tiara saying "that one!" over and over until we put it on her.  She also likes to dig around in Ceci's dress-up box for new props.


Become a total climber!  I turn my back for a second and she's up on something.  She loves to stand up on books, boxes, anything she can find really and sometimes she'll even pull an object over so can climb up to reach something!  She also really enjoys physical play - climbing under and over things, through tunnels, etc.


Started understanding simple instructions.  She still responds to simple one word actions like bounce, dance, shake, high five, etc.  but now she can also bring things to people ("bring it do dada"), find things ("where's your sock?"), give hugs and kisses, and she's even starting to do cheers (we only just realized we'd yet to introduce this to her!).

Loved playing with her sister more and more.  It's really sweet to see them truly interact with each now.  I'll catch them playing little games, chasing one another, and just generally loving on each other.  They also occasionally fight, though Cali is starting to hold her own and push back (or bite lol).  

Making a mess in the kitchen while I make dinner

Hanging out together

Peek-a-boo boxes 

Started showing a greater interest in books.  She'll now pull out the box of books and take each one out in turn, flipping through the pages.  Or she'll pick one out and carry it over to Jay or I saying "that one!", plop herself in our lap and wait patiently for us to read it to her.  We've also started doing joint bedtimes with the girls including bath and then story time.  It's really sweet to watch them each pick out a book and then enjoy them together as a family.


Loved being a big girl and is becoming even more fiercely independent.  She loves to feed herself with a spoon, try her best to use a fork, and play just like Ceci does.  

Cooking like her big sister
Desperately wanted to get in on the Play Doh action with Ceci...

...but she immediately tried to eat it so it didn't last long! 
She insisted on holding both the spoon and the yogurt cup!

We started off celebrating Cali's birthday by opening presents at home.  Cali (and Ceci) really enjoyed all the excitement and the new clothes and toys.  We're so grateful to have such a generous and thoughtful extended family!

Then in the evening we went out to dinner at a nice restaurant, just the four of us, followed by cake at home.  Cali really enjoyed the (moderately healthy) carrot cake with ricotta frosting that Ceci and I made for her.

Enjoy her new tablet while waiting for dinner
Though we're still limiting screen time, it's made long car journeys
and significant wait times MUCH easier

The birthday girl!
Smash cake
Testing out the frosting...

Really going for it!

This cake is delicious!

Cake eating is exhausting!

Smash cake, demolished.

 Here's a little highlight video of the cake eating...

And as always (and for the last time!) here are the best alternates and outtakes from our two 1 year photo shoots:

And here's Cali's 1 Year Video!

In one year (8760 hours) of life, Cali has....

  • Slept for over 5,290 hours.
  • Had over diaper 3,550 changes.
  • Nursed for over 462 hours.
  • Drank 3,279ml of pumped milk (that's about 115oz!).

and she's doled out endless amounts of love and joy.

Calista, you are a cheeky, clever, curious, spunky little girl and we can't imagine our family without you!!

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