I finally got around to finishing Cali's room and getting it clean enough to take a couple pictures (since Cali wasn't sleeping in there when we first moved, her room became a bit of a dumping ground!). She's been in there for 3 months now, and though it's been mostly done for a while, the final piece of "artwork" went up today so it's now officially complete - hooray!
Since I made all of the decor for Ceci's room myself, I wanted to do the same for Cali. Not only is it cheaper, and personalized, but it felt nice to do something just for her - so much of her stuff is hand-me-downs! I decided to use a similar theme and color-scheme to Ceci's room in case we decide to put them in the same room eventually (the jury is still out on this one!).
Without further ado, here's a little peek at Cali's room.
We gave Cali the bigger room so we could also put a single bed in there - great for middle of the night feedings and bunking up with her when she's having a rough night. |
As Ceci has her street sign canvas, I wanted to give Cali something with her name too.
My attempt at artwork, sticking with a beach theme and shades of pink and beige. A shout-out to my friend Jen for giving us the blank canvases! |
I made Ceci a mobile using cut paper but wanted to so something a bit different for Cali. I made these faux capri shells using wax paper and tied each strand off with a piece of Salisbury Beach sea glass (thanks Auntie Maria!). We had something similar in my room growing up, which was my inspiration! |
My slightly more adventurous piece of "art" using the leftover faux Capri shells (waste not, want not!). I'm not sure yet if I love it but am hoping it will grow on me. |
In other bedroom news, Ceci is now officially in a toddler bed! After going on "Holiday with Grandad!" where Ceci successfully (and without any fuss!) slept in a small single bed with a bed guard, we decided to keep the momentum going, and as soon as we got home we converted her crib into a toddler bed. Surprisingly, it went great! She knows she has to stay in bed until "Mr. Sun" (her Gro clock) wakes up, and for the most part she's incredibly good about it. A couple times she's tried to get up early or before she's gone to sleep but I just talk to her through the monitor and remind her Mr Sun isn't awake and she climbs right back into bed! Jay and I were shocked! To reward her for doing so well, we let her pick out new bedding for her "Big Girl Bed". Presented with many options, she went for a Peppa Pig at the Beach set (Peppa is a new obsession). As soon as it came she couldn't wait to get into her bed. And just like that, there was no more sleep sack or blankie or tiny throw pillow! She hasn't seemed to miss them at all. And now that she can climb into her bed by herself her bedtime routine has changed quite a bit. She doesn't let Jay rock and sing to her before bed, she just helps say goodnight to Mr Sun, turns on the white noise, shuts off the light and climbs into bed "all my by self". She's getting so big! I can't even believe it.
First time - the nap as soon as we got home from holiday. No bed guard, and she did great, but she was so close to the edge at times it made me too nervous, so we got one setup before bedtime. |
Big girl bed! (With a nice, safe bed guard.)
Peppa pig bedding! |
So excited. |
So cozy. (The paci is the last thing we need to wean off of. We're taking it slowly - she's down from sleeping with 6 to only 3, and she only has them in her bed for sleeping. Baby steps!) |
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