Friday, August 5, 2016

7 Months!

Our little Cali is 7 months old!

This past month Cali has been...

Moving like crazy!  She's been desperate to crawl  (and getting super frustrated about it).  Over the last month she's progressed from getting up to all fours, to getting up on hands and feet (downward dog and push up position - too funny) to lifting up a hand while on all fours, to finally crawling!  Just a couple days before turning 7 moths she finally crawled and has been non stop ever since.

Working up to it (and a little spit up)

It's SO frustrating!

There's no stopping her now

Sitting up!  At the beginning of the month, Cali really hit her stride with sitting up.  She suddenly stopped toppling over and we could leave her sitting up to play without the fear of her slamming down on her face! She loves the freedom of sitting up to play with her basket of toys, and especially loves taking everything out and throwing it around.

Sitting up like a big girl
Unloading the toy basket
Getting stuck in the toy basket
A little naked playing before bath time

Eating a ton!  She's nursing 6-9 times a day in addition to eating 3 meals.  She's still loving solid food and we're just now starting to get a bit more adventurous with what she's eating, letting her try whatever we're having.  

Sleeping relatively well.  She's now at least on somewhat of a schedule.  Generally, she's up around 7-7:30am, takes a nap around 9:30-10 for about an hour, takes another nap after lunch from about 1-3pm (if I'm lucky because this is also when Ceci naps!), and then sometimes takes another cat nap around dinner time before bed around 7pm.  She then eats anywhere from 1-3 times before she's up for the day.  Whenever she wakes at night she almost always nurses like she's starving then immediately passes back out, so it's not so bad.  And since she's seems genuinely hungry each time she wakes up, I'm happy to keep feeding her.  Even though it means I rarely get more than 3-4 hours of sleep in a row, sometimes not even that.  (Thank goodness for coffee).

These days are pretty much over - unless we're out and about Cali naps much better in her bed

Loving her swimming classes.  We've continued the swim lessons we started when we moved to London, when Cali was about 10 weeks old.  She kicks her legs like a little frog and flaps her arms like she really thinks she's swimming.  It's adorable.  She's also a champ at going under water and even kicks up to the surface on her own.  She loves water in any form (just like her big sister) and when it got hot outside we made her her own little pool in the yard with a big bucket - she was a big fan!

Teething but still toothless.  Ugh.  Poor thing seems so miserable.  She's chewing on everything desperately, her gums are all red, and she's drooling like crazy.  But still nothing.  Hopefully those little guys will pop through soon and give her some relief!

For nearly the whole month both of my girls were teething - poor things!
Thankfully it seems the last of Ceci's teeth are finally in.

Enjoying a lot of time with her big sister.  Seeing the bond between these two is one of my favorite things. Cali lights up whenever she sees Ceci and the first thing Ceci asks for in the morning and when I pick her up from school is to see Cali.   So sweet.

Watching big sister paint
A little tea party before bath time
Sister picnic dinner
"I want to hold Cali" is an almost daily request
These goofballs - Ceci wanted a matching ponytail.
Big sister didn't want to be left out of the monthly photo shoot
They're just so cute together

I can't believe how fast our little Cali Cat is growing so fast.  Even when she's cranky, tired and teething she's still such a sweet, cuddly, hilarious little girl and we love her to bits!

Here are the best outtakes and alternates from our 7 month photo shoot:

 And here's Cali's 7 month video:

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