Speaking of comparing the two - I noticed a little over a week ago I was wearing the same dress as I wore around the same time with Ceci. So here's a side-by-side of me at around 38 weeks with both (hair down is with Ceci):
Pretty similar, I think. This bump seems to be a bit more out in front but other than that, I think they look a lot alike! My weight gain is pretty much the same as well.
The biggest difference this time around is how I feel. With Ceci, I was excited for the baby to come and mildly uncomfortably, but pretty much doing great. This time around I'm not faring quite as well. I had a pretty awful sinus infection a couple weeks ago that after 10 days of misery I ended up needing antibiotics for, the nausea I suffered with for the first half of this pregnancy randomly resurfaced around the same time and hasn't let up, and the back pain I've been struggling with is still ever present. Plus I'm exhausted which isn't helped by my very active 19 month old - a factor I definitely didn't have to contend last time. So needless to say, this time around, I am beyond ready for this little girl to make her appearance!
As if all of that wasn't enough, Ceci also struggled with a cold when I was sick and now appears to be suffering through a new bout of teething. Poor thing. She's chewing on everything in sight, including her fingers, and has a runny nose that just never seems to stop. She's also crankier and crying more than usual, I think just because she's in pain. Medicine and teething toys and distraction help a bit. But there are moments when she's just beside herself. And this has affected getting her to sleep at nap and bed time - she wants us a lot more cuddles before falling asleep (thankfully she's still sleeping great once she's down though - knock on wood!).Not ideal timing! Hopefully it will start to improve by the time baby sister arrives!
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Life is really hard sometimes when you're 1 (she's mad because I tried to take her picture!) |
In general, though, Ceci is still doing wonderfully. Her speech continues to amaze us on a daily basis. She's now using names, some pronouns and speaking in near sentences (nouns and verbs only but several words at a time to get her point across). She can also count to 10 and backwards from 5. We had her review at school and they said that though she's one of the youngest in her class her speech is so advanced that they often forget just how young she is. They have to remind themselves that she's just 19 months old and that her behavior naturally reflects that (we're still working on listening to no and stop - right now she thinks when someone says them it's the start of a game!). They were also impressed with her comprehension and ability to follow instructions (at least when she's in the mood to, lol).
In her review they also mentioned how much Ceci loves singing (fitting since St. Cecilia is the patron saint of music!) and that she only has to hear a song once or twice to start singing along. Her repertoire of songs she can sing completely by herself grows weekly and now includes the ABCs, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Sleeping Bunnies, Wind the Bobbin Up, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Jingle Bells, and Ring Around the Rosie. She can also do most of the Wheels on the Bus, Row Your Boat, Open Shut Them, and Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. And I'm sure others I haven't heard yet! She still sings along to theme songs from TV shows, too - even ones she doesn't see too often.
Dancing is of course also still a bit hit:
Dancing is of course also still a bit hit:
A couple weeks ago we had a visit from Grandad and Nana and Ceci was absolutely thrilled! She had so much fun playing with them and showing them around. And Jay and I really enjoyed having an extra couple pair of hands around!
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Sharing her ice cream with Grandad - that's love! |
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Reading the newspaper with Grandad |
Ceci continues to be a great helper. She loves throwing things in the trash for us, putting her dirty clothes in the hamper, and helping to clean up after dinner. Really hoping this continues once baby sister arrives!
Physically, Ceci is growing a ton too. She's solidly in 18-24 months clothes (there's no separate 2T here but she fits well into that size in the clothes we've gotten from America). She's now mastered jumping on the trampoline and actually getting both feet off the ground - she can even do it on the floor, but it takes a few attempts. Climbing continues to be a favorite as well and she finds her way up onto pretty much every piece of furniture in the house and has even started jumping from the arm of the couch onto the cusions! Her newest found love is running:
We're definitely going to have our hands full when baby sister joins us! But we're so excited to welcome to her into our little family!!
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A little light housework |
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Helping decorate the tree |
Physically, Ceci is growing a ton too. She's solidly in 18-24 months clothes (there's no separate 2T here but she fits well into that size in the clothes we've gotten from America). She's now mastered jumping on the trampoline and actually getting both feet off the ground - she can even do it on the floor, but it takes a few attempts. Climbing continues to be a favorite as well and she finds her way up onto pretty much every piece of furniture in the house and has even started jumping from the arm of the couch onto the cusions! Her newest found love is running:
We're definitely going to have our hands full when baby sister joins us! But we're so excited to welcome to her into our little family!!
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