At 8 months Ceci is...
Crawling everywhere. She still tends to prefer army crawling if she wants to get somewhere fast - she's gotten ridiculously good at it - but she also keeps trying to properly crawl on all fours and she's really starting to get it! She can take a few steps and travel short distances but then tends to give up and resort to army crawling. If I leave the room for a second now, next thing I know there she is, coming to find me. It's amazing to me how quickly she can move!
Still eating like a champ. She nurses 4-6 times a day still and also has 1 bottle of expressed milk as well as 3 solid meals. Breakfast is usually oatmeal, made extra thick and with just water then put in the fridge as dollops to solidify a bit, and a pieces of fruit - favorites are nectarine, pear, and mango. Lunch is usually hummus on toast or a leftover veggie from dinner (or if we're out and about a pouch of veg/fruit that she eats all by herself) and a piece of fruit or avocado. She's also a fan of beans and cheese as well. Dinner is a portion of whatever Jay and I are having, sometimes with an added portion of vegetable if there's not enough good stuff for her in our meal. She loves chicken and fish, cottage pie was a huge hit, and she absolutely adores any kind of starch or carb - yorkshire puddings, rice, pasta, potatoes, pizza crust, etc.. She really liked sausage and turkey meatball when she had them too. She also prefers things made with spice or sauce. So instead of plain steamed veggies we now give her veg and proteins from whatever dish we're making, whether it's stir fried with garlic or in an Indian curry (she loved both Lababdar and Tikka Masala) or in a pasta sauce. She loves flavor! She also loves water and has some with each meal, though she probably only drinks an ounce or so at a time. She's mastered using a sippy cup and straw cup by herself and can also drink from a regular cup with help. She can even use a spoon or fork if we load it and hand it to her.
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Refried Beans and Avocado...delicious! |
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Cottage Pie...yum!! |
She also eats quite a lot in each sitting! Today, for example, was pretty typical. For breakfast she had oatmeal, probably about 1/3 cup, an apricot and a nectacot (never heard of them before seeing them in the store this week but they're tasty), and some of my smoothie (banana, strawberry, mango and spinach). For lunch she had 6 finger sized pieces of leftover roasted veg (parsnip, carrot and sweet potato) with tomato basil hummus spread on each, and a couple strips of mango. For dinner she had five spinach ricotta tortellini with a pouch (red pepper, apple and sweet potato) instead of sauce (she also sucked down the rest of the pouch as well), several pieces of mushroom from our sauce, and a whole pear. After each meal there was a bit of food on the floor and in her bib but not much. I swear she has a hollow leg!
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Our little fatty after dinner and a bottle |
Sleeping decently. Her schedule got a little messed up after the time shift coming back from America and she was going to bed rather late - 9ish - and sleeping until 8 or so. We've now gotten her back to a bed time of about 7:30 but she's still sleeping late - until about 8:30 or 9:30! Which would be great if it weren't making up for the time she's awake in the middle of the night. Between having another cold, teething (so much drool and gnawing - those top two teeth have GOT to be coming soon!), and waking up rocking on all fours, Ceci hasn't been getting the most restful sleep. She's also back to eating once somewhere between 1 and 3am and then again around 7am. So it's a work in progress. But she's only waking a few times during the first couple hours of sleep and then once or twice later on to eat, so in the grand scheme of things it's actually not so bad.
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We found sleeping in bed with her while away helped a lot and it still gets us through rough nights at home |
Napping OK as well. She's still taking two decent naps a day (although recently with her cold if she sleeps until 9:30am that has sometimes counted as her morning nap), generally one a little over hour and another closer to two hours. We're still holding her for the entirety of her naps but we've been making some slow progress in that department (falling asleep in car seats, letting mom lay next to her to sleep, etc.) so watch this space (fingers crossed!).
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Car sleeping in America! |
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And back in Gib too! |
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But for now, I still spend a lot of time like this... |
Talking up a storm. Dadadada is a favorite. So are Th sounds and Bababa. And playing with volume - whispering and screaming her sounds. And so much giggling, and scrunching up her face and breathing fast our of her nose.
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She also enjoys the occasional lounge in front of the TV - it never lasts long though... |
Into everything. She loves trying to pick up little crumbs and such from the floor. And crawling into spaces she shouldn't to try to get wires or shoes or really anything she shouldn't have. She's also a big fan of toys she can take apart - her stackable cups and tower of rings are two huge favorites at the moment. She also enjoys emptying her baskets of toys and changing supplies. Books are another favorite. She loves to look at the pictures and turn the pages and she'll even sit still to have a book read to her - it has to be a board book though as she's too good at tearing pages (as we've found out with several magazines!),
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Just a typical day, making a huge mess. |
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Loving her new board book from Nate and Catherine! |
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Being silly. |
Every month keeps bringing its own challenges, adventures and milestones and we're so enjoying getting to know our little lady better and better with each passing day. She's our silly, smart and fiesty Ceci girl and we couldn't love her more!
As always, here are the best outtakes and alternates from our 8 month photo shoot. It is so much harder to photograph her now that she's so mobile. There are some really classic Ceci faces in this bunch - so many that I had trouble cutting down, so there's a lot this month...
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8 Month Video is here!
( are so looking forward to Ceci's first Christmas! Of course there will be a post on it relatively soon after the fact, but here are a couple Christmas themed photos with Ceci's first (and almost fully decorated) Christmas tree to get you in the mood.
A huge thank you to my cousin, Amy Whiteside, for the gorgeous Christmas tutu!

More from this mini photo shoot to come :)
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