Ceci at 5 months...
Is on the move. She lifts herself up on her tummy so easily now and can spin herself in any direction at will. She can even move forward a bit to get to a toy just out of reach by doing a short sort of army crawl. It won't be long before this girl is crawling!
Loves naked time on her play mat before her bath. She shrieks in delight and is constantly in motion. She perfected rolling from back to belly (and rediscovered how to roll back) during naked time and is now a pro! It's also when she makes her best crawling attempts.
Eats every 4 hours or so during the day, and is still exclusively breastfed. She continues to have a bottle of expressed milk before her bath, regularly downing 5-6oz. Then feeds again just before bed. (She likes to eat every 1-2hrs in the evening before she goes to sleep.)
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Ceci thinks she's a big girl |
Is finally sleeping relatively well! (Knock on wood a thousand times!!). She goes down between 7 and 8 depending on the timing of her last nap and wakes up between 6:30 and 7:30 in the morning. She has slept through the night three times which was very exciting. Most nights she wakes up once somewhere between 12 and 4 to eat, though more recently she's started to skip eating and go back to sleep with a bit of rocking or her paci. The biggest issue now is that oftentimes she wants to hangout after she eats so we end up awake for 1.5-2hrs. Not ideal. But sometimes when I get too exhausted and she still wants to chill out awake I've put her back in her crib awake and occasionally she puts herself back to sleep eventually, so there's hope!
Is so happy. As long as we're not doing anything to make her mad (forcing her to sleep when she's not ready or allowing her to get bored or confining her in anyway, like in a carseat, when she wants to be free) she's a really smiley, joyful baby.
Went on her first airplane ride! I'm actually writing this from the air! More on this adventure in a future post.
Is still a big music fan. She has favorites, too, which is adorable. Right now, no matter her mood, she bursts into a huge smile whenever I sing 'The Middle' by Diamond Rio or the theme song to 'The Worst Witch'. No idea why these two songs, but she loves them.
Is incredibly alert and curious. Whenever we are in a new situation, or there are new people or things around, she is wide-eyed and looking all around, taking everything in. Of course that makes it super hard to get her to fall sleep if there are any distractions!
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Way too light to fall asleep! |
Can sit up on her own! She can't get herself into the position on her own, but if we sit her up she can stay there unsupported for a couple minutes. She has the strength to stay up longer but she'll get distracted by something and topple over. It's pretty funny.
Has become wary of new people. If someone she doesn't know comes too close to her she'll immediately start to cry. Other times though she's all smiles for strangers. Depends on the person, Ceci's mood and where she is (she's more likely to get upset if we're not holding her or she's in an unfamiliar place).
Outtakes time!
Outtakes time!
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