Our little Ceci is 4 months old! She's growing and learning so fast.
At 4 months, Ceci...
• Loves her toes
She just discovered her feet about a week ago. Before that she was lifting up her legs and kicking them out, but now it seems like she's always holding on to her feet! She keeps getting them closer and closer to her head...it's only a matter of time until they're in her mouth!
She just discovered her feet about a week ago. Before that she was lifting up her legs and kicking them out, but now it seems like she's always holding on to her feet! She keeps getting them closer and closer to her head...it's only a matter of time until they're in her mouth!
• Can roll over both ways.
Once she got hold of her feet that was apparently all she needed to roll from back to belly. She doesn't do it often, but both Jay and I have seen her roll both from tummy to back (she started this weeks ago) and now from back to tummy!
Once she got hold of her feet that was apparently all she needed to roll from back to belly. She doesn't do it often, but both Jay and I have seen her roll both from tummy to back (she started this weeks ago) and now from back to tummy!
• Is 'talking' more and more
She's really into K and G sounds right now. She'll just babble on and on - to us, her stuffed animals, her toes, the wall... She's also playing with high and low pitches and her volume. It's hilarious to suddenly hear a loud yell or random high pitched gurgle and her chatter. She even seems to suprise herself!
She's really into K and G sounds right now. She'll just babble on and on - to us, her stuffed animals, her toes, the wall... She's also playing with high and low pitches and her volume. It's hilarious to suddenly hear a loud yell or random high pitched gurgle and her chatter. She even seems to suprise herself!
• Isn't sleeping well.
The four month sleep regression has hit us early and hard. Gone are the days of 5+ hour stretches of sleep (what I wouldn't give for one of her old 8 hour sleeps!). Ugh. More on this in a future blog post.
The four month sleep regression has hit us early and hard. Gone are the days of 5+ hour stretches of sleep (what I wouldn't give for one of her old 8 hour sleeps!). Ugh. More on this in a future blog post.
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"I will never let them sleep again...muhahaha!" |
• Is still taking nearly all of her naps on us
This girl will not nap anywhere else. She doesn't fall asleep in her swing, bouncy seat, car seat (even in a moving car!), stroller (even when we're walking and she's super tired). We've had occasional success getting her to fall asleep in her crib or transferring her into her crib once she's asleep, but it's inconsistent and fails more than it succeeds. Ugh. We're trying to ride along with it. We've started a pre-nap routine that we follow consistently and we stay in her room for all her naps (unless we're out of the house) to try to get her used to the idea. It is working somewhat - she falls asleep in the sling or in our arms within minutes of going into her room and with very little fuss. However, it's a little taxing to never get a break! On the days I'm not exhausted from a rough night it's not so bad (I finished 4 books this past week!) but on the days I'm extremely tired it's a little overwhelming. I'm praying to the sleep gods that Ceci figures this out soon.
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One of the few times we had success! It lasted all of 35 minutes... |
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How I spend a lot of my day - notice her holding on to me for dear life... |
• Is curious about everything
She is so alert and watches everything. When we walk through the grocery store or are at church she is constantly turning every which way to take it all in. At home, too, she doesn't miss a thing. She can follow our voices now and see us across the room - she's very generous with her smiles when she does!
She is so alert and watches everything. When we walk through the grocery store or are at church she is constantly turning every which way to take it all in. At home, too, she doesn't miss a thing. She can follow our voices now and see us across the room - she's very generous with her smiles when she does!
• Really wants to sit up
Whenever she's in our laps, her car seat, her bouncy seat, or being propped up somewhere, she is always trying to sit forward more. We got her excersaucer out and even though she's still a bit small for it she doesn't let that stop her - she loves it and is so busy checking out all the new toys when she's in it.
Whenever she's in our laps, her car seat, her bouncy seat, or being propped up somewhere, she is always trying to sit forward more. We got her excersaucer out and even though she's still a bit small for it she doesn't let that stop her - she loves it and is so busy checking out all the new toys when she's in it.
• Is still eating well and still exclusively breastfed
Although she's easily distracted...by everything and anything...making some feeds incredibly short (like 2 mins). She's still growing strong though! At her last official weigh-in two weeks ago she was exactly 15 lbs. When we weighed her at home last week she was 15 lbs 8oz! So clearly she's getting enough to it. Overall, even when not distracted, she's gotten very efficient at eating and generally only eats for about 5 mins every 3-4 hours. She's still tanking up before bed though. She'll usually nurse, then about an hour later have a bottle of 3-5oz of breastmilk, then have a bath and get ready for bed and nurse again just before going to sleep! She wakes up to eat once or twice at night and those feeds tend to be a bit longer (10 - 45min) because she's mostly asleep during them!
Although she's easily distracted...by everything and anything...making some feeds incredibly short (like 2 mins). She's still growing strong though! At her last official weigh-in two weeks ago she was exactly 15 lbs. When we weighed her at home last week she was 15 lbs 8oz! So clearly she's getting enough to it. Overall, even when not distracted, she's gotten very efficient at eating and generally only eats for about 5 mins every 3-4 hours. She's still tanking up before bed though. She'll usually nurse, then about an hour later have a bottle of 3-5oz of breastmilk, then have a bath and get ready for bed and nurse again just before going to sleep! She wakes up to eat once or twice at night and those feeds tend to be a bit longer (10 - 45min) because she's mostly asleep during them!
• Is sleeping in her big girl crib in her room
Although one of us is sleeping on the twin bed in her room for the moment (because she's waking so much) but we're hoping to phase that out soon (if Ceci ever starts sleeping well again!).
Although one of us is sleeping on the twin bed in her room for the moment (because she's waking so much) but we're hoping to phase that out soon (if Ceci ever starts sleeping well again!).
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One of the first times in her crib for a nap - it didn't last long. (Don't worry, we've removed all the 'stuff'' from in there now that she's sleeping in there at night!) |
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She really likes her new ocean mobile! |
• Loves music
When I sing songs to her her whole face lights up. And if I sit her on my lap in front of my keyboard she goes to town, hitting keys all over the place - I didn't even have to show her how or encourage her...she just went for it!
When I sing songs to her her whole face lights up. And if I sit her on my lap in front of my keyboard she goes to town, hitting keys all over the place - I didn't even have to show her how or encourage her...she just went for it!
• Is putting everything in her mouth
Including her hands, our hands, her toys - whatever is in reach! We thought at first she was teething (she's still drooling everywhere as well), but no official signs yet!
• Had her first trip to the pool
She was not impressed. We set up shop under a canopy and Ceci slept in the sling almost the entire 5 hours we were there. When she was awake she played with her toys on her mat and tried dipping her toes in the baby pool, but she was not a fan of the water - I think it was too cold for her!
• Went to her first costume party!
Ceci got all dressed for our neighbor's 80s party, complete with homemade legwarmers and finger-less gloves (and thanksto Amy Whiteside for the tutu - it worked great!).
She was not impressed. We set up shop under a canopy and Ceci slept in the sling almost the entire 5 hours we were there. When she was awake she played with her toys on her mat and tried dipping her toes in the baby pool, but she was not a fan of the water - I think it was too cold for her!
• Went to her first costume party!
Ceci got all dressed for our neighbor's 80s party, complete with homemade legwarmers and finger-less gloves (and thanksto Amy Whiteside for the tutu - it worked great!).
• Had more visitors
Matt and Simone came to visit us during their Moroccan adventure! We were so pleased they took time out of their trip to come see us. Ceci loved meeting her new friends and it was lovely catching up!
• Is such a silly girl
Ceci continues to have a hilarious and big personality. She keeps us laughing all the time and we just love her to bits!
As with the last few months, I also have Ceci's 4 month video to share! You can check it out here.
And of course, here are some of the best alternates and outtakes from our 4 month photo shoot.
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