Monday, March 24, 2014

Baby Update: Weeks 34-37

I can't believe it's been almost 2 weeks since my last update! As promised, this post is packed full of baby updates and pictures!

I'm officially in my 37th week which means I'm technically "full term" - our little girl is welcome anytime!  With only 19 days until my due date I am happy to report that I am ready for her to get here - her room is complete and I'm more or less packed for the hospital!  Now I'm just getting impatient :)

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Taking it Easy

Well yesterday marks one month until my due date.  Crazy, right?  I can't believe how fast time is flying by.  As I enter into my 8th month of pregnancy I've started to notice all the common pregnancy complaints I've always heard - exhaustion, sore back, heartburn, a hard time finding a comfortable position, constantly peeing (most annoyingly all through the night).  As such, the past couple of weeks I have been doing my best to take it easy.   (I honestly don't know how people work right up to the very end - there have been days when getting off the couch seems impossible!).